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Comments to: Do you remember the tale of the fellow who was walking down the road in front of his house one bitterly cold morning? He came across a small half-frozen poisonous snake lying beside the pavement. Calling out in a weak voice the reptile asked for help, “Please sir, I am almost frozen to death.

The Publisher’s Pen

Dayna and I want to thank the many of you that have called or come by to congratulate us on our purchase of the Holdenville News. Holdenville has been home to the Robinson family for six generations and we love this town. There are so many good things happening still today here in our hometown and we want to share them with you, not only today, but in the many issues to come. Today we will focus on city government, in future issues we will focus on Hughes County government, which is doing some wonderful things as well, and also focus on our Holdenville churches which are the backbone of this community.