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Chamber Honors Boomerang Diner

PLATINUM DONOR - The Holdenville Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture presented a plaque to Luke Degraffenreid, Manager of the Holdenville Boomerang Diner, recognizing the Diner as a 2019 Platinum Sponsor of the Chamber. Chamber President Tonja Weaver is pictured making the presentation during the Chamber’s monthly luncheon meeting at the Boomerang Diner (the Chamber rotates their meetings each month between three local restaurants). Weaver explained that the Chamber would have normally made this recognition during the annual Chamber Banquet, but the event was cancelled this year due to the COVID-19 virus.
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Family Talk

Jim Priest is CEO of Goodwill Industries of Central Oklahoma and can be reached at T’was the Night Before Christmas, a poem by Clement Clarke Moore The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hope that Saint Nicholas soon would be there….

News from Faith Freewill Baptist Church

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the Turkey and the Trimmings (Pumpkin and Pecan Pie)! This is such a great time of the year to give THANKS to the ONE who allows us to enjoy this great season. If you were able to share this time with family and friends, it made it a much more enjoyable time. We, as Americans, are so blessed that we forget to give THANKS for the “stuff,” so it is easy for us to fall into the trap of assuming “more is better!” Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Each year we should reflect on how much GOD has blessed us during the year. Even this year, as trying as it has been, there are many things to be grateful.


The date for filing a Declaration for Candidacy for Hughes County School Districts Board of Education begins Monday, December 7 as reported in the story, and NOT December 9, as stated in the headline of the November 24 Holdenville News. The filing period will end at 5:00 p.m. December 9.